Movie Review – The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part Two


Synopsis- The thrilling conclusion of the Hunger Games saga, Katniss Everdeen must once and for all take down the Capitol in an effort to free the districts.

Initial Response- It wasn’t bad, the beginning scenes felt rushed, like they were trying to gloss over it to get to the intense stuff despite the fact that it was pretty important.

Pros- The effects are amazing and there are parts of true intensity that are great.

Cons- As mentioned before, many important things are rushed to get to the major battle. It feels like they spent too much time on some parts and not enough on others.

Thus ends the spoiler-free part of the review. Spoilers ahead!

Graphic/Sexual Content- There wasn’t much sexual content. A few kiss scenes that aren’t very intense at all, but that’s it. I don’t recall any cussing, however, I may have missed it. There is some violence, some pretty freaky mutation things, and a few dead bodies, but besides that it’s not terribly graphic.

Major Annoyances- The last movie ended on Peeta attacking Katniss, and in this movie they recognized it for about five to ten minutes. Katniss’s neck bruises were healed by ten minutes in. If you are going to leave a movie off with a cliff hanger, at least acknowledge it more in the next movie.

They rushed many important scenes, and spent too long on others. Suddenly Annie and Finnick were getting married, oh but now they have to go to District 2, oh now they are in the hospital with Johanna. They kept flicking from scene to scene too fast. But then, the siege on the Capitol is 65% of the movie. In my opinion, they spent too long on the siege and not enough on the other things. Sure, the battle is the most important part, but they honestly put too much focus on that.

Things I Did Like- The movie stayed fairly true to the book, and the film in general is just great. They did a really good job of building suspense in the right moments and using character deaths to draw emotion from the audience. It was a good ending to the franchise.

Final Thoughts- Definitely worth the money, overall it was pretty good.  My friend who was with me and hasn’t read the book guessed most of the plot twists before they happened, so it was somewhat predictable. But, it really did close out the series nicely.

Rating- 8 out of 10

Stay cool and keep dreaming,


Trailer Rant- Batman v Superman SDCC Trailer

Been a while since I did a trailer rant. Wasn’t planning on even doing one again until I saw this trailer. But there was so much to talk about on this one I couldn’t help myself. Let’s begin.

First off, it is made very apparent that DC is doing the same things as Marvel where their cinematic universe is separate from their comic universe. I am not surprised at all, in fact it is very much expected. What I didn’t expect, however is the lengths to which they are altering the traditional stories of these characters. It seems from this trailer that they are changing Batman’s backstory to be that he had a wife and kids that died in a building collapse that led him to don the cape and cowl. While this maybe different in the actual movie, right now it looks a lot like that they altered the classic backstory of Batman that every kid and their dog knows. I’m not sure I’m a fan of that. If not that, it looks like the building collapse (which, in fact, is from Man of Steel) drove him out of retirement.

Lex Luthor has hair. I’m sorry, that just bothers me. I’m assuming that he loses it somewhere in the movie or it is just a wig the character wears based on the promo picture that they released in which he was bald. A Luthor with hair is like the Doctor without a companion, it just doesn’t feel right. However, I can say that I really like Jesse Eisenburg as the character; I think he’ll make a good Luthor. But, I do feel that he needs better lines than “The red capes are coming.”

Perry White’s line “Nobody cares about Clark Kent taking on the Batman,” at 1:17 is so full of irony that it actually hurts.

The Kent house at 1:30 almost reminds me of the farmhouse from Interstellar.

Also, at 1:37, how does the entire rocket blow up except for the part that would contain people? Oddly convenient I would say. If someone out there more sciencey than me could explain that I would appreciate it greatly. It just doesn’t seem plausible.

The Robin suit at 2:00 indicates that Robin may be a character they introduce somewhere down the line. The writing on the suit indicates that it is possibly Jason Todd’s old costume, after he was beaten to death by the Joker. If they do choose to introduce Robin as a character in later movies, it would have to be either Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, or a new Robin if they choose to do so. I would guess that they would do Tim Drake to save themselves the pain of describing Damian Wayne’s long backstory…but who really knows. This would also leave them available to bring in Dick Grayson as Nightwing if they so choose.

2:27…we interrupt your superhero movie to bring you a wild west movie. Because screw you, we’re DC.

And of course, they have to have the arbitrary Kryptonite at 2:48 because how else would you expect Batman to beat Superman? Magic? Miniature red suns in the tips of his gloves? Prohibiting Superman’s exposure to the yellow sun? No? I guess they couldn’t afford to be creative. We’ll see when the movie comes.

My thoughts for this trailer overall are that it seems like DC is trying way to hard. That’s just the vibe I’m getting off of all of this. It seems like they are pushing everything that they think you want at you and it just seems excessive. It’s like they’re like “Oh, you like the Marvel movies? Well we can give you more explosions, more characters, more CGI stuff, more witty one-liners than they can. Come see our movie please please please come see it!” Unfortunately, it seems so excessive that it is almost silly to me. Feel free to let me know if you feel the same or not.

I really hope this movie is not complete utter garbage because DC cannot afford another failure at this point after the Green Lantern movie. I really enjoy their comics and I hope that they can get to the Marvel cinematic level. But after this trailer, my hopes are not high.

Stay cool and keep dreaming


Cleaning Up

Just a general announcement that I am cleaning up my blog and deleting some of my not-so-good posts. So, if you notice one missing, that’s what happened. Let me know if you have any concerns, but I’m trying to refresh my blog and start uploading new content more regularly. However, I need to clean it a bit first. Thanks for your consideration.


Movie Review- Avengers: Age of Ultron


Synopsis: When the artificial intelligence known as Ultron threatens to destroy the planet, the Avengers must work together and team up with new characters to save the world.

Initial Response- In my opinion, it’s not as good as the first and is much more predictable. However, it was still great and fulfills the Marvel Cinematic Universe standard, but not much beyond that.

Pros- It’s a Marvel Cinematic movie, which pretty much guarantees the action scenes, character angst, and witty one-liners we’ve all come to know and love. It’s entertaining and fun for the whole family if you have older kids, and is definitely worth the ticket.

Cons- Because Marvel’s been making Avengers type movie for a while now, it’s starting to get a bit stale. It felt a bit like they were just rehashing some things from the last movie. I’ll go into more detail on that in the spoilers section later.

P.S. To save you some time, I’ll tell you there is a mid-credits scene, but unlike the last movie there is no end credits scene. So you don’t have to worry about waiting through the whole credits to see a scene. There isn’t one.

Thus ends the spoiler-free part of the review. Spoilers ahead!

Graphic/Sexual Content- There is some swearing, nothing too horrendous though. They have a running joke through the movie where Captain America gets on to the other Avengers (specifically Tony) about language only to curse later himself. And Tony’s first line of the whole movie is literally, “Sh*t!!!” As for sexual content, the closest thing is an almost kiss between Natasha and Bruce. (Yes, they’re a thing now apparently.)

Major Annoyances- As I mentioned earlier, it felt like they were rehashing some of the elements of the last movie for a while. They start with a battle scene, they move on to angst between the members for the filler in between battle scenes, and then there’s a big battle at the end that lasts almost an hour. Maybe I’m just being picky, but it really feels like superhero movies in general are becoming more of a bland paste they crank out full of references to sate comic fans and goofy characters to sate others.

This is more of a personal thing, but I was sad that they revealed Clint had a family. I’ve shipped Clint and Natasha since the first Avengers movie and I was kinda sad to see that ship sink. #ripclintasha But, it was nice to see that at least one of the Avengers has a family because it shows the sacrifice the character has to go through to help save the world.

My next point ties to the last one, but I do NOT like the new romance between Natasha and Bruce. They are such polar opposites. I know the phrase “opposites attract” but they are opposite each other in interests and personality that I don’t think it could really work.

I’m just going to go out and say it…all of their problems could have been solved if Magneto was there. He could have destroyed the army of Ultrons with one hand and then used the metals in the rock to lower the floating land back down safely. I mean sure, his character is more tied with the X-Men, but it’s the same universe and his kids were there fighting anyways. (In case you are unaware, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are the children of Magneto.)

Ultron didn’t really cut it for me as the antagonist. He just fell flat and wasn’t as interesting as say, Loki. I mean come on, Ultron even used Loki’s scepter to mind control a doctor. Does this sound familiar? (Hint- It’s what happened in the last movie.)

Things I Did Like- Marvel had the guts to kill off a major character in their Cinematic Universe. This is pretty huge for any comic company because they are usually reluctant to completely kill off major characters. They usually resurrect them somehow, (i.e. Phil Coulson in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Jean Grey in Marvel Comics, Jason Todd in DC Comics… the list is almost endless), but it was actually surprising to me when they killed off Quicksilver. They were kinda hinting the whole movie that Clint was going to be the one to die, but Piedro saved him at the last minute at the expense of his own life. I actually liked that Marvel was bold enough to do so, but I still think it’s possible they’ll resurrect him because Marvel has a history of resurrecting characters. Or maybe they won’t because they’ll consider him a minor character and he’ll join Freya (Thor’s mom) in obscurity. Either way, I liked that part of the plot even if my reasoning is flawed.

I always like the witty one-liners. There weren’t as many good ones as the last movie, but they were still there and as entertaining as always.

Just the feel of the movie. I always like a good superhero movie, even if they are all similar in plot. Its still entertaining and worth the ticket.

Final Thoughts- Go for it. It was entertaining, and another generic Marvel movie that we all love. What I would personally like to see in the future is something new and unique, but for what we’ve got now, it was a great movie.

Rating- 8 out of 10

Stay cool and keep dreaming,


El Beso de la Patria Translation

This was by request from some of my fellow Spanish class students. I know this isn’t my typical post so don’t worry about it if you don’t care. This story is El Beso de la Patria by Sonia Rivera Valdes and is originally in Spanish, and I translated it to English. All ownership of the text belongs to Sonia Rivea Valdes, and I claim absolutely none of it. Please don’t sue me.

El Beso de la Patria

We moved to Santa Fe when I was eight years old. Although we were very close to Havana, it was another world. The change represented a bit of calm because my dad and my mom didn’t fight each other there. It was a small village of strong contrasts, green, and sandy, with the sea of the north coasts of Havana on one side and the Tahoro Mountains on another. We drank from the springs in these mountains, for three cents a tin; later it was later raised to five. The tin of water was immense; I don’t know how many liters I had, but it filled a large jar.

Corno Beach, Santa Fe was not worth much, too many rocks and little sand, but the water was so crystal clear that I swam slowly along the surface and saw fish black, yellow, silver, of all colors, swimming below me. One of my favorite things to do for entertainment was to remove sea urchins off the rocks of the bottom of the sea with a long stick, which usually came from an old broom, which would have a large nail on the end to hook the urchins. I got in the water and with my right hand holding the stick while with the left I supported myself with a beaker of wood that had a bottom of glass, to see into the sea, and served as a float. I spent long hours on the beach with Rita, the daughter of Goyo the fisherman, who I met and had recently moved to the village and we would sit on the rocks to the shore of the beach, alone, to dream of the day in which we will curl our hair, or when I draw the lottery to pay off the debts that my dad had contracted playing poker. The dream of the hair was the best; that one day a fairy was going to appear that would give me a magic lotion, a miraculous shampoo that will curl my hair forever. I didn’t like my hair, straight and fine; I wanted one of those with many curls that I saw in Hollywood cinema; my preference was Viveca Lindfors in the film Gypsy.

In winter, the sea broke with so much force against the rocks that a lady who was visiting for the weekend asked if there were any factories near, whose machinery produced the people for coming onholiday, as an amusement park (a fair) was going to come into town in September. For July or August, they set up the amusement park, a few men came, and they weeded a big area in some of the most central places, generally an empty lot of those who were bordering on the highway of Santa Fe to Punta Brava. They were installed seahorses, a star, flying chairs, the kiosk of cotton candy, the posts of fried food and soft drinks, the places that sell beer and gambling, in which one could win a stuffed doll, a cup with a dish, or a compact of glass that had in the tapauna hen pitch… those were nice. They installed hundreds of light bulbs; and on the day of the inauguration, for we had lived permanently on the beach, accustomed to long months of silent streets and semi-off lights, it was the glare; the movement and the lighting amazed us; We received the park with so much enthusiasm that filled every night during the time that remained. Then, when he began to get dark earlier and later to dawn, and the sea began to be heard from the house in the evening, a day came where we saw the men who had mowed the lawn disassemble and take apart the park. Shortly after the aboveground trampled by the feet of the people grew back to grass.

Rita and I went together to public school. Her mother, Julia, was the caretaker and as she was the one who prepared and distributed the snacks, she always gave me a lot. We got condensed milk with “gofio” in the afternoon session we would attend because the boys went in the morning. Although it was supposed to be that the snack was only for the neediest girls and I was not, because they didn’t get to eat at home, my friendship with Rita guaranteed me a snack, and it made me very happy.

I was in fourth grade. It was the first year I made completely in a same school, since I hadn’t before previously due to the constant moving and my mother did not like getting up early to send me to classes, I changed school three or four times during a school year, and at times lacked full months. This was also the first time I took tests to advance to the next grade. In the mornings, I would sit on the floor of red and white mosaics by the door of the wooden small house in that we were living, that would stay cold although there was the sun that was hitting the stones, and I would memorize all that I had written in my notebooks the previous day. It was the most enjoyable experience I have had in my life. Reading about the wars of independence of Cuba in the nineteenth century, or learning about the mightiest rivers of Europe, or the bones had the human body, I forgot for a while the cries of my mom stuck in the bathroom, for reasons that I only that I only half understand, and the lack of money that my dad spoke of constantly. While reading, I felt the cool of the floor in my thighs and the reading, the various vicariates, blancs, Rojas, and the madams we had planted when we had removed the stones and empty cans that had been there when we moved there and we had planted flowers. I thought about the marvelousness of the eyes, and the curiosity that was in the little pods that formed the seeds of madama.

I never had spirit of competition because I did not have to develop it. My mom was neither demanding anything from me in this sense, and with so many changes even she nor knew that awards existed for good grades were available. That year I won the El Beso de la Patria, the prize giving to the best student in each grade. I was shocked when I received it because I did not expect it, but it gave me great joy. Because of this award I was elected to carry the banner of the school in the birthday of Martí parade next year. It was recognition of my excellent academic work.

To commemorate birthday of Martí, on the January 18th, enormous parades were organized. Private schools made a display of luxury with gala uniforms and marching bands in which the children were dressed in red satin, blue turkey, prussian blue, bright green, canary yellow, and the costumes were adorned with gallons of contrasting colors; on their heads they wore hats with tall plumes of feathers; and they competed to see which school was more elegant. Public schools were separate; they tried to have children dress as best as possible and they put some restrictions to attend; We had to wear certain clothes that many did not have: those could not wear those clothes couldn’t participate in the parade; a requirement was to have uniform fashion: teachers, usually, did not demand it because they knew that if children were not wearing it, it was because they didn’t have the money to do so. When I was appointed to carry the banner, which was a great honor, they warned me that it was necessary to be in uniform and wear leather or black patent leather shoes.  I had a uniform that someone had given me used; my mom had dyed it so it regained the original color and it looked fine, but my only shoes were a few tennis shoes. When I was told what shoes to wear I didn’t dare to say that I didn’t have them because I was very disappointed and I said yes, that I would have them. I didn’t think about it for a month and a half, until it reached the day: I forgot not when I was studying or when I was listening to the birds singing, even when the seeds of the madams had done its job of sprouting with such a consistency that had been and I said nothing in my home because I knew that I wasn’t going to get black shoes. Finally the day arrived, and after much thought I decided to go; I fixed my hair as best I could, very clean and combed it with large loops in the plaits, I put on white stockings, and I washed the tennis shoes. Introducing myself, in the midst of the confusion was the organizer of the parade, and before they had noticed nothing, but as we prepare to begin the march I was alone in front of the other students. The first to see my feet was one of the teachers, an old lady who said that was a poet, who called me aside and told me: “You know that you cannot carry the banner without black shoes. We understand that you do not have them and so what we are going to do is we will raise money among all the teachers to share a pair of shoes for you the next time. Naomi will carry the banner.” Naomi, who was ugly and got bad notes, had leather shoes with a few frayed slipknots. I furtively cried the entire parade. What I thought was really hurting me was because it was terribly unfair, that I was paying for sins that I had not committed. I was quietly suffering whenever I went to school in the days after the parade, thinking forward for the time that they would give me the blessed shoes. But my anxiety was increased, because they never assembled any money and they did not even buy me any shoes.

Movie Review: Project Almanac


Synopsis: When high school senior David Raskin and his friends discover blueprints to a time machine, they build it and mess up many timelines in the process.

Initial Response: I actually really liked it, and so did my mom, but my brother didn’t. It seems like one of those movies that you either like or don’t with no middle ground.

Pros: The storyline is intricate, but so good. You really have to pay attention or everything will be confusing, so no bathroom breaks during this movie. There is a great romance between two of the main characters that I actually enjoyed and was interested in, which is rare for me because I don’t usually like romance.

Cons: The entire movie is filmed by the characters, so much of the camera work is shaky. I liked it, because I thought it made it unique, but I understand that many people won’t like that.

Thus ends the spoiler-free part of the review. Spoilers ahead!

Graphic/Sexual Content: Swear words, as per the usual. The main couple have sex, but it is not shown, merely referenced to, in a scene where the girl is in nothing but a towel, that she opens to the guy but not the audience. There’s some kissing, but not much else.

Major Annoyances: The shaky camera. As mentioned before, I kinda liked it, but I think most people won’t. Especially because of the reaction the shaky camera in The Hunger Games got. My mom leaned over to me at one point in the movie and told me she was dizzy. If you didn’t like the shaky camera in The Hunger Games, you definatly won’t like this one.

Things I Did Like: As mentioned before, I actually did like the romance in this movie. It actually did something for the plot and wasn’t just put in there to attract teen girls.

I liked the character development and teen angst. You can actually feel the struggles the characters are going through. This movie will be really relatable to teens, so even if you’re a teen and not into the science of the movie, you can at least relate to the romance.

Final Thoughts: Definatly recommend for anyone who likes time travel, sciencey movies, or teen angst movies. Or both. I really liked it myself, probably because I like both of the above.

Rating: 7.5 out of 10

Movie Review: Jupiter Ascending


Synopsis: Jupiter, a normal girl living a dismal life, suddenly discovers she is the heir to a large intergalactic fortune and gets sucked into the middle of a family war.

Initial Response: Ehhhhh. It wasn’t a terrible movie, but I wouldn’t recommend it. The special effects were really good, but I wouldn’t recommend seeing it in 3-D if you get dizzy easily. I saw it in 2-D and that was dizzying enough.

Pros: As mentioned before, the special effects were really good. There was quite a few elaborate scenes that must have taken a lot of effort on the special effects team so kudos to them. I actually did like the story line, minus the romance. It was a bit confusing, but pretty good if you could understand it.

Cons: The romance. The romance was obnoxious, and did nothing to the plot. It seemed like it was just made to make Mila Kunis and Channing Tatum kiss.

Thus ends the spoiler-free part of the review. Spoilers ahead!

Graphic/Sexual Content: Just the usual. Some kissing, a few swear words, violence, nothing too extraordinary for a PG-13 movie.

Major Annoyances: When Jupiter woke up after being rescued by Caine the first time, she asked him a bunch of questions about what was going on like, who are you, who are the people who tried to kill me, are they going to keep trying to kill me, etc. To which Caine explained that they were going to continue trying to kill her and she had to come with him. My biggest complaint for this scene is that Jupiter never asked him why they were trying to kill her. If some guy had just saved me from a bunch of aliens, and he told me I had to go to space with him, I would ask him why. That’s just obvious. In Jupiter’s defense, she did ask him later, after she was alone in a car with him, driving God knows where.

As mentioned before, I didn’t like the romance. It just kinda stood out like a sore thumb and did nothing for the prompt.

It was a Sean Bean movie that Sean Bean didn’t die in.

Things I Did Like: As mentioned before, I liked the special effects. They were on point and it looked like there were many complex elements that took some time.

I liked the story line, with the whole family war and that planets are just gene farms for rich people. It was complex, but if you can understand it, its not bad.

Final Thoughts: Not a great movie, but not terrible. If it comes on Netflix and you’re just looking for something to watch, I would recommend it. But, I would advise to not waste your money on it because I personally believe it wasn’t worth it.

Rating- 4.5 out of 10

Stay cool and keep dreaming.


Character Line-Up For Teen Titans Live-Action Revealed!

This only came out a few hours ago, but the line up for characters in the new Teen Titans live action show was revealed, and the greatest shock is that the females out weigh the males on this one. Without further ado, here’s the current line-up.

Dick Grayson- Is this any shocker? However, some rumors are now circulating that he will start the series as Robin, and become Nightwing later on. He supposedly starts out the pilot working as a detective in Boston, not Bludhaven.

Barbara Gordon- Now this one is a bit more of a shocker, because in the comics she hasn’t had much to do with the Titans. It is possible she was included as a potential love interest for Dick Grayson. Also, it is said that she will be in a wheelchair and the team’s computer hacker, but not using the name Oracle. Little more is known at this time.

Hank Hall- Hank Hall will be the hero Hawk, and I know basically nothing about his character, however, he is the only other male besides Dick Grayson.

Dawn Granger- Dawn Granger will be the hero Dove, and I know very little about her as well. It is rumored there will be a romantic interest between her and Hank. It is also said that she and Hank will be quite different from comic book lore, so perhaps my lack of knowledge of them won’t matter much. :)

Raven- She will be using the alias Rachel Roth. Little else is known at the time.

Starfire- It’s rumored that there will be a love triangle between her, Barbara Gordon, and Dick Grayson. She and Raven both show up at the end of the pilot.

All info is from Nerdist, who some how obtained a copy of the pilot script.

Now because this is all from the pilot script, if the show takes off there will be plenty of time to include more characters such as Cyborg, Beast Boy, or maybe even some Roy Harper or Wally West. I personally think that Cyborg won’t be in the show as a member of the Titans because he has been featured on more Justice League stuff recently, especially since the New 52. He may come in for a few episodes, but I don’t think he’ll be a full fledged member.

That’s all that’s known for now, let me know in the comments who was the biggest shocker for you and what you think of the new line-up.

I should have a book review by next Monday, thanks for your patience!

Until then, stay cool and keep dreaming


DC Characters vs Marvel Characters

Hello all! I have not been able to make a book review because I got sick. Some may ask, “Because you were sick, wouldn’t you have plenty of time to read?” The answer: Yes. However, I didn’t possess any new material to read, because I had planned to pick up a new book on Friday from my school library and write a review over the weekend, but I was sick on Friday so I couldn’t get a new book. Sorry.

So, I did the next best thing, a continuation of my DC vs Marvel thing that I’ve done before. Only this time, I evaluated IGN’s Top Comic Book Superheroes list to bring you all the data necessary to see who’s characters are better, Marvel or DC. Keep in mind this list does not take movies or television into account. Let’s find out.

Most of the list is Marvel or DC, with 84% of the characters on the list coming from one of the two. 42 characters from Marvel, and 42 from DC.

Well, that’s exactly even, so who’s to say which is better?

I then found the average rank for each, and here are my final results.

DC- 42 characters on list, average rank- 45.93 (rounded)

Marvel- 42 characters on list, average rank- 50 (even)

Other Publications- 16 characters on list, average rank- 60 (even)

So according to this, DC would be the best, with a rank slightly better than four over Marvel But, this list is made by only people. No perfect list exists. There’s no way to determine which is certainly the best. Look at the list yourself and come to your own conclusions.

DC’s characters may be better, but Marvel certainly has its own strengths.

Some of the rankings I didn’t agree with as well, such as:

Wally West’s Flash beat Barry Allen’s Flash, by a lot (41 places to be exact). And while I’m not sure I disagree, I’m not sure I agree as well. I’m not educated enough on Flash’s history to make a true call, but this was definitely a shock to me, that the second would beat the original. Someone was doing something right at DC, by improving the original. Hats off to you guys.

I was surprised Supergirl wasn’t higher on the list. She was 94th. I don’t know a whole ton about her, but I expected Superman’s cousin to be a bit higher on the list, especially when Superman was 1st.

While I don’t disagree, I wish Batman had beaten Superman. I can understand why he didn’t, because Superman embodies the superhero archetype, I like him more than Superman. Personal Preference.

Some of the rankings were shocks to me, even though as I look at them I agree.

I was shocked that Tim Drake beat Nick Fury. Nick Fury is a huge part of the Avengers and SHIELD, but the second best Robin (behind Dick Grayson according to the list) beat him? But as I thought about it, I realized that while Nick Fury has done a lot of cool stuff, and Tim Drake as done cool stuff as well, before he was even an adult. Both have been leaders of teams, but the main difference is Tim Drake did it younger. They were really close anyways, with Nick Fury right behind Tim Drake.

To be honest, I’m a budding comic book geek. I only recently started digging deeper into the comics. I’ve been coming upon it for years, starting with the Marvel Cinematic Universe and delving deeper after watching some TV shows. If anything in any of my posts about comics is not accurate, feel free to tell me so I can correct it.

I hope you enjoyed! Feel free to let me know what you think about all this in the comments or give me suggestions on your favorite story lines in comics that I could read next. Thanks for reading!

Stay cool and keep dreaming,


Marvel vs DC, Who Will Win the World’s Heart?

Please take note that most of the things I refer too will be within the last fifteen years, discussing only more recent developments for both companies.

Ever since the two comic companies were created decades ago, they have been rivals. Which begs the question, who will eventually win? Who will beat out the other to monopolize the comic industry? The obvious answer is, neither. Each will have their own strengths and weaknesses. Each have their own legion of fans to support them. But, with Marvel’s ever increasing strangle-hold on the cinemas, and DC’s increasing presence on television, one may wonder, what happens next?

Obviously both are comic book companies, and the comics are still popular, but in recent years a transition to other forms of media have been necessary for both companies’ survival. This article will focus mostly on these other forms.

Marvel holds an increasing power in the movie industry. With two movies a year regularly, fans are easily sated. DC has tried to strike back, with Man of Steel and The Dark Knight Rises, but neither one of those made as much money as The Avengers. Even the movie Iron Man, which was one of Marvel’s first in this new generation of movies made more than Man of Steel which came out five years later. Marvel also has the X-Men movies, which created many Marvel fans in the early 2000’s.

In contrast to that, DC holds more power in the television aspect. They have four adult shows out at the moment, Arrow, Constantine, The Flash, and Gotham, all running simultaneously. Marvel countered with Agents of Shield and the short series Agent Carter, but neither have been doing as well. Arrow, DC’s longest still-airing show has a higher rating on IMDb than Agents of Shield, Marvel’s longest still-airing show, with the scores being 8.2 to 7.5.

As for children’s television, Marvel has more series out at the moment in this aspect, but DC has a richer history of animated children’s shows. Some of the most successful for DC include Young JusticeTeen Titans, and the still-airing Teen Titans Go! which is a comedic spin on the Teen Titans. Marvel has Ultimate Spiderman, Avengers Assemble, and Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. airing at the moment. If you compare these shows however, there is one major difference that could be an advantage to DC in the future years.

This difference is the lack of a younger generation of characters in the Marvel universe. DC shows like Teen Titans and Young Justice have younger characters that are more relatable to children and teens. I myself was an exclusively Marvel fan until I discovered the Teen Titans. Although this is a children’s show, I found myself drawn to it even as a teen because the characters are more relatable. Their angst and issues are much easier for me to identify with than those of adult heroes. Although Marvel does have quite a bit of younger characters in the X-Men movies, the fact that they weren’t the main characters made that aspect basically null. This lack of a younger generation of characters in Marvel universe could lead to a decreased fan-base in the next generation.

So if anyone out there reading this is a higher-up in Marvel or DC, here’s my advice.

DC- Lighten up on the TV shows and focus more on making movies. Do not lighten up too much on television, however, but don’t make too many shows. The ones you have now should suffice. (Except please make a Titans TV show, I still really want to see that.) Attempt to challenge Marvel in the movie industry by making movies on what they lack, younger characters. Exploit this weakness. A good idea would to make a Teen Titans movie, because many of the original fan-base is older, and would go see a PG-13 Titans movie, while you still have a younger fan-base due to the Teen Titans Go! who will come see it too. (If their parents let them.)

Marvel- Fix your weakness in the lack of a younger generation. Make teen characters more prevalent in your movies and television shows. Up your game in the television industry as well, these various Agent shows won’t cut it. You need a show featuring a more major hero. Perhaps do what DC did and make shows for characters that don’t yet have movies, like what they did with Arrow. Maybe a show for The Wasp or something. A Young Avengers show couldn’t hurt either.

Well that’s all for my nerd rant for now. Let me know in the comments what you think, and which you lean more too, Marvel or DC.

Until later, stay cool and keep dreaming
